We chaperone. Our presence provides a safeguard for those involved in the purchase and sale of a home. We’re joyous. We champion our clients and our peers. We root for their success.

We cheer for their wins. We’re loving. We don’t get mad. We don’t get even. We never take things personally. We are forgiving. Respectful. We’re empathetic. We sense when people need an extra hug and won’t hesitate to extend our arms and squeeze a little tighter.

We’re sensitive. We listen. We pay attention. We are driven by the reasonable needs of others. We’re strong. We exude expertise and leadership. We step in and take control and we do it to safeguard and protect our clients.

We’re selective. We believe in personalization. There is no one size fits all here. We are rebels. We follow our convictions. No one else’s. We’re demure. We caress. We oblige. We refrain. We speak when spoken to. We try to say the right things. We let others have the last word.

We’re passionate. We love what we do. We don’t aspire to do a good job. We aspire that everything we do becomes memorable. We hold doors open for people.
We make sure others feel comfortable. We embrace lessons and learn from them. We lead. We support each other. We proceed cautiously. We get second opinions.

We share credit. We balance work and personal life. We experiment with new ideas. Once we perfect something only then do we employ it as practice. Actions speak louder than words. We don’t say what we do. At ALANTE, we simply do it. We keep the promises we make. We say what we mean and mean what we say. We make no excuses. We take responsibility for our actions and we own up to our weaknesses. We are not complainers. We isolate problems, acknowledge them and seek solutions.

We tell the truth. We make sure that people never wonder what we are thinking. We are grateful and express that often. We are students of life. While we may rest from time to time, we never stop learning or growing. We don’t give up. We believe there is always a way.

We treat everyone with respect, including our competition.
Though simplicity often appears easy, it's frequently misunderstood and complicated by most; we rely on proven methods with hundreds of successful case studies to back us.

1. Audit your home with our proven, precesion guided system to unlock your top selling price potential.

2. Our Proven 3-Step Pricing Strategy Ensures Higher Home Selling Prices, yielding on average 7% above list price for our clients.

3. We employ an entire team that obsseses about telling your homes's story, our marketing wins awards. You home gets noticed maybe even famous.

4. Our sales make it to closing without fail, we give you peace of mind with our offer to close comprehensive bottom-up process
Known for our award-winning marketing and white glove service, ALANTE is the most reputable boutique brokerage on the South Shore and Cape Cod. We go to extraordinary lengths to deliver our clients an unforgettable buying or selling experience.
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