Overwhelmed with options this 4th of July? No worries, we’ve put together a list of all the best spots to spend the holiday along the South Shore & Cape Cod!
Have a Safe & Happy Holiday!
All dates are 7/4 unless noted.
Plymouth Fireworks
9:15 pm – Fireworks on the Barge in Downtown Plymouth
Barnstable / Hyannis Fireworks
6:30 PM – Concert Featuring Anna and the Moderns at Aselton Park. Family friendly event.
9 PM – There will be music and activities in Aselton Park beginning at 6:30 p.m. Fireworks over Hyannis Harbor begin at 9 p.m. (Rain date for fireworks only is Saturday, Aug. 31.)
Edgartown Parade and Fireworks
5 PM – Come view the Edgartown 4th of July parade and spectacular Edgartown Harbor fireworks. Enjoy delicious treats, sales at local shops, and so much more during this festive time in town! The parade begins at 5 p.m. on July 4 and the fireworks start at dusk on the harbor.
Falmouth Fireworks
8:45 PM – Fireworks begin at dusk on July 4 (rain date July 5) at Falmouth Heights Beach. Be sure to check out Falmouth PD’s parking and road closure info before you go, and plan accordingly!
Mashpee Picnic and Fireworks
9 PM – Monday, July 1st – Rain date of July 2nd
Nantucket Fireworks
July 5th at 9 PM – Fireworks will begin at Jetties Beach.
Orleans Fireworks
8:30 AM – July 6th – Fireworks take place July 6 (rain date July 7) at Rock Harbor in Orleans. The fireworks start between 8:30 and 9:15 pm. You can watch from the other side of Rock Harbor which can be accessed at Dyer Prince Rd., Eastham, or Boat Meadow Landing, Eastham, which can be accessed from Bay View Rd.
Provincetown Fireworks
Dusk – Approximately 9 PM – Fireworks start at dusk over Provincetown Harbor (view from any Bayside Beach). Lots of fun! Fireworks will begin over Provincetown Harbor. Get in early as it fills up fast. You’ll be seeing fireworks like these in no time!
Sandwich Fireworks
9:30 PM – This special fireworks display is the culmination of a full day of activities in Sandwich that include a street parade, a boat parade, a 3-mile race and picnic. Fireworks scheduled for July 4 at 9:30 p.m. over Shawme Pond. Date is still tentative.

Plymouth 4th of July Celebration
7:30 AM – Old Colony Club march to Coles Hill. Reading of the Mayflower Compact and Declaration of Independence.
8:15 AM – 3rd Annual Plymouth 4th of July 5K from Stephens Field
9:30 AM – Plymouth 4th of July Parade from Mayflower Business Park in North Plymouth
7:30 PM – Plymouth Philharmonic concert on the waterfront at DCR Pilgrim Memorial State Park
Duxbury 4th of July celebration
The Duxbury 4th of July Parade starts at 2:00 PM in Duxbury’s Halls Corner and travels down Washington Street to the Duxbury High School. Prizes are awarded for community floats. Free Admission.
Hingham Independence Day Parade
10:00 AM - The 2019 4th of July Parade Theme is “Celebrate Hingham’s Natural Beauty” as selected by the Parade Committee. Look for Parade Buttons dedicated to this theme at Hingham Centre and downtown Hingham businesses in June.
Barnstable Parades
9 AM – Barnstable / West Barnstable – Don’t miss this 4th of July tradition. Big floats, small floats, bikes walkers, motorcycles and dogs are all included in this parade. It begins at the County Complex on Railroad Avenue at 9 a.m. and proceeds down Main Street (Route 6A), left onto Mill Way and continues to the Village Hollow where it will end with various activities.
10 AM – Centerville- Neighborhood floats, decorated bikes and wagons, clowns, and bands will flood the streets of Centerville in this fun, festive parade. The parade, which begins at 10 a.m., will be followed by food, fun, and field games at the ball field behind the Centerville Recreation Building. The parade will form on the grounds of Centerville Elementary School and proceed up Bay Lane, take a right onto Bumps River Road; left onto Park Avenue; right onto Main Street; and continue to the Centerville Recreation Building where it will end.
11 AM – Cotuit – The parade will begin at the Post Office, proceed down School Street to Main Street. It will then turn left on Main Street to the rear of the entrance of the Cotuit Elementary School, where it will conclude.
11 AM – Hyannisport – Following the Hyannisport Beach Club 2k Run at 9 AM, the parade will lineup and begin at the Hyannisport Post Office on Longwood Avenue, turning left onto Washington Ave and right onto Lafayette Avenue. Then it will turn left onto Winchester Ave, left onto Scudder and continue onto Dale Ave to the West Beach Club. This is where it will end.
2 PM – Hyannis Inner Harbor Boat Parade – Hyannis Marina invites all to a July 4 boat parade at 2 p.m. The best viewing is along Ocean Street at Hyannis Harbor. If you are a boater and want to participate, the boats assemble off of Hyannis Yacht Club and head to the inner harbor to show off their red, white and blue.
4 PM – Hyannis Main Street Parade – The parade will start at the corner of Ocean Street and travel along Main Street for a half mile, ending at the corner of Sea Street.
5-7 PM – Enjoy family lawn games, free rides by the Roaming Railroad, jugglers and bubble fun on the Village Green in Hyannis beginning at 5 p.m. Nicholas Suchecki Jazz Quartet will perform. There will be pre-fireworks music and activities in Aselton Park beginning at 6:30 p.m. Fireworks over Hyannis Harbor and Lewis Bay begin at 9 p.m. (Rain date for fireworks only is Saturday, Aug. 31.)
Bourne Parade
10 AM – Bourne on the Fourth of July Parade begins at 10 a.m., rain or shine, on Main Street in Buzzards Bay.
Chatham Parade
9:30 – 11:30 AM – Chatham’s Independence Day Parade on Main Street, is one of the oldest in the United States. This year’s parade theme is “Chatham Honors You! Service Members Past, Present, Future!” The theme honors all men and women who served the country in all wars, as well as those who serve during peacetime.
Falmouth Parade
10 AM – The Bike & Carriage Parade begins at 10 a.m. from the Village Green, down Main Street to Peg Noonan Park.
Nantucket Parade
10 AM – The parade starts at 10 AM on Main Street, which culminates in the water fight between fire departments. Children races and rug of war to begin at 5 PM.
Orleans Parade
July 4th at 10 AM – The July 4th Parade is full of music, celebration, and fun! Parade route starts at the Orleans Elementary School on Eldredge Park Way, rain or shine. The parade route continues down Eldredge Park Way, Route 6A, Main Street, Route 28 and back to Eldredge Park Way. Insiders tip: Bring some beach chairs or blankets and stake out a spot about a half hour before the parade begins!
Provincetown Parade
11 AM – July 4th Parade starts at 11a.m., begins East End, Harbor Hotel and proceeds up Commercial to Franklin Street.
Wellfleet Parade
9:30 AM – The Annual Wellfleet Fourth of July Parade route runs up Holbrook Avenue, turns right on Main Street, continues down Main Street, turns right on East Commercial Street and ends at the Wellfleet Town Pier. The classic car parade begins at 9:30 a.m. and the float parade starts at 10 a.m.
Woods Hole Parade
Noon – This popular Fourth of July parade, organized by the Marine Biological Laboratory, begins at noon and proceeds down Water Street.

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