Celebrating 10 years of ALANTE real estate🎉
April 1st marks 10 years (WOW) from the day I decided to go from just a Realtor to Broker/Owner, the goal was simple, to elevate the standard for both the consumer and the agents.
I never understood why the consumer was receiving, for the large sum they were paying us, such a poor marketing, services and more often than none, poor results.
I never understood why agents were never being taught how to run a business so they would learn to feed themselves instead of constantly have to rely on handouts from their company or 3rd party vendors.
The 80/20% rule applies everywhere, in real estate is more like 90/10%
I chose to focus on bringing more 90%’s into the 10% side by providing extraordinary support, marketing and systems, why? Because that’s how the customer wins, the industry wins and ultimately, the agent. That’s how you elevate.
I am grateful to all that have put their trust in me thus far and excited to see many more agents and customers win over the next 10 yrs."
some reflection…
Humbled and Grateful
10 lessons I learned during 10 years:
Obsess over the customer not your competition.

You can’t want it for them more than they want it for themselves, drive is important.

You know you’ve hired right when you can stop micromanaging.

Decide what you want to be known for and go all in on that, ignore the shiny objects.
Celebrate the wins but mostly celebrate people and their wins.

Never a failure, always a lesson. Embrace the failures for that’s how you grow.

It’s ok to be vulnerable, shed a tear, admit when you F-up, humanize leadership.
Poor decisions are made out of scarcity. Scarcity creates fear. Fear kills the vision.

Balance in seasonal, embrace it when you can.